A World of Useless Information

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I still got game!!

I got the urge to play some basketball last week, so I gathered up some of my friends and I put a game together. It is important to state here that I have not played for 6 months or so. I have not even worked out or done very much of anything physical in the past 6 months either. I was afraid that my shot would be off or I would not be able jump like I used to. As we started to play, my game quickly returned to me.
Lucky for all of you I set up my camera on a timer and captured some sweet photos of us playing.

I was able to snap a photo of me dunking over my buddy Brian, and NO THESE PHOTOS ARE NOT PHOTOSHOPPED!!!!

While we were playing, there were some people from work that showed up as well as some family and friends.

I was so amazed that my camera was able to capture such clear looking pictures.
I had to change my clothes because some crazy fans (aka hot chics) ripped my uniform.

I ended our morning with a monster dunk. Again I had to change my uniform.

So it turned out to be a good morning and I quickly realized that my game is still as strong as ever.
There is also a open invitation to come and play. Wednesday mornings at 6:30.


Tim & Steph said...

I am SO coming next time. I had no idea you were so good! Hell yeah!

TR said...

"still" got game? You never had game to begin with!