A World of Useless Information

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Time In England

I found some old pictures in the garage a few weeks ago and I wanted to share them with you all.
They are pictures of me and my 2 years in jolly old England. Enjoy. I will do my best to give you a little info on each one of the pictures.

This is where "The Stewside" got started. Elder Miller in the middle gave me that nickname and there you have it.

I was always telling everyone That I was better then them.

These were my homies from Zimbabwe. They were always out in front of there home listening to 50 Cent, In Da Club, over and over again. Every time we went over they were listening to it.

This is Anwick Castle. They filmed a lot of the Harry Potter movies here. This is one of the coolest places that I have ever been.

Me and my buddy acting like idiots in front of our house in Bradford. I think we were trying to be gargoyles. Notice our sweet rides, Vauxhal Corsas, smaller then a Geo Metro.

I thought that this was really funny. Not that I support the Smoking of bush or anything....

Me and John. He never would tell us his last name. I lived in Melthem for 4 months and he never would tell me what it was it drove me crazy.

I don't remember his name he just had really cool hair.

Driving through the City walls of Yorkshire County.

These 2 pics are taken at Scarborough, you know the song by Simon and Garfunkal, Scarborough Fair. It is a really cool place.

Me at Kirkstall Abby in Leeds.

This is a town called Meltham just outside of Halifax.

I thought that you would all enjoy a little taste of Stewy back in the day. I got really fat on my mission so please be nice and don't make to much fun of me.


Anonymous said...

Thats awesome. Haha that picture with the "Smoke Bush not Iraq" Oh man cracks me up! Good ish.

TR said...

Brilliant! I love it. Too many fish & chips, you wanker! What did you weigh, 12.5 stone? Looks like you are feeling poorly in one of those pics. Ah well, sod off you jammie git.